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      Home / Travel Alerts / Coronavirus

      Important Information Regarding Coronavirus

      Update issued: 10 August 2022

      Credit and debit card travel insurance customers – please always check the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Information Booklet

      If you have travel insurance with Cover-More via your credit or debit card, there may be limited COVID-19 benefit(s) for this event (i.e. COVID-19). Please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Information Booklet relevant to the type of card you hold and to your trip.

      Update issued: 15 February 2022

      Applies to policies issued on or after 2 February 2022

      With the dynamic and ongoing nature of COVID-19, our Cover-More policies that include COVID-19 benefits have been updated recently. 

      If your specific policy contains benefits related to COVID-19, please refer to your Product Disclosure Statement for the details of what is and isn't covered. Please note that there is no cover in these cases:

      • For the cost of a PCR Test or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) if you are required to undergo a COVID-19 test before entering or leaving a country;
      • If you are unable to travel due to a local or federal government imposed lockdown or if you have had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case; and/or
      • For any quarantine costs on your trip where a government-imposed quarantine or isolation order has been imposed on cross area, border, region or territory travel

      For all other policies, our advice regarding policy coverage for claims directly or indirectly arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has not changed.

      Credit and debit card travel insurance customers

      • If you have travel insurance with Cover-More via your credit or debit card, this event (i.e. COVID-19) is excluded and there is no cover.

      If your travel plans have been affected by local government border closures, you may be eligible for a full refund of your insurance premium. Please refer to our refund FAQs here.

      For up to date information regarding COVID-19 impacts to travel please refer to and/or each state and territory’s official websites.


      Update issued: 30 June 2021

      With the growing outbreak of COVID-19 we’re experiencing in Australia, each state and territory has amended their travel restrictions impacting travel to; from; and within their regions. Some states and territories have also enforced lockdowns which may impede non-essential travel.

      Please refer to each state and territory’s official websites for impacts to travel:

      Travel to and from New Zealand has also been impacted by the current outbreak as detailed on the Smartraveller website.

      If your specific policy contains benefits related to COVID-19, please refer to your product Disclosure Statement for the details of any cover available. Please note that there is no cover for:

      • Cancellation of your trip if you are unable to travel due to a local or federal government imposed lockdown, unless you have been diagnosed with covid-19 or designated as a close contact of a confirmed covid-19 case
      • Any quarantine costs on your trip where a local or federal government quarantine or isolation order has been imposed on cross area, border, region or territory travel

      For all other policies, our advice regarding policy coverage for claims directly or indirectly arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has not changed.

      If you would like more information about our initial advice regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic event – please refer to the below.

      If your travel plans have been affected by local government border closures, you may be eligible for a full refund of your insurance premium. Please refer to our refund FAQs here.


      Update issued: 21 June 2021

      Regarding New South Wales COVID-19 event

      As of 16/06/2021 there are reports of several cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Sydney, New South Wales.

      If your specific policy contains benefits related to COVID-19, please refer to your product Disclosure Statement for the details of any cover available.

      For all other policies, our advice regarding policy coverage for claims directly or indirectly arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has not changed.

      If you would like more information about our initial advice regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic event – please refer to the below.

      If your travel plans have been affected by local government border closures, you may be eligible for a full refund of your insurance premium. Please refer to our refund FAQs here.

      Regarding Victoria COVID-19 event

      As of 27/05/2021 there are reports of several cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Melbourne, Victoria.

      If your specific policy contains benefits related to COVID-19, please refer to your product Disclosure Statement for the details of any cover available.

      For all other policies, our advice regarding policy coverage for claims directly or indirectly arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has not changed.

      If you would like more information about our initial advice regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic event – please refer to the below.

      If your travel plans have been affected by local government border closures, you may be eligible for a full refund of your insurance premium. Please refer to our refund FAQs here.


      Update issued: 22 December 2020

      We provide an update to our travel advice regarding the recent community transmission of Coronavirus in the Northern Beaches local government area and Greater Sydney.

      The first known case of community transmission in New South Wales occurred on the 16th December 2020. Following this on the 18th December the New South Wales government issued health advice to all NSW residents to monitor for symptoms and come forward for testing, and the outbreak was widely reported in the media.

      Public health orders have since been issued for the Northern Beaches local government area and Greater Sydney, and all state and territory governments have imposed border controls or travel bans.

      For policies/trips with a Relevant Time from 18th December 2020: Each of our policies come with the condition that you are not aware of any circumstance which is likely to cause a claim under your policy. Therefore, there is no cover for any claim related to this event for a policy purchased after this date.

      For policies/trips with a Relevant Time from 9th December 2020 to 17th December 2020: Some of our policies provide cover for several circumstances related to Covid-19. If your trip is within Australia or New Zealand your policy may provide cover for the following circumstances;

      Additional expenses on your trip:

      • if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 and/or where you are directed into a period of quarantine or self-isolation because a public health authority has classified you as a close contact of a known Covid-19 case
      • if your non-travelling relative or business partner (residing in Australia or New Zealand) is diagnosed with Covid-19

      Amendments on your trip or trip cancellation costs:

      • if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 and/or where you are directed into a period of quarantine or self-isolation because a public health authority has classified you as a close contact of a known Covid-19 case
      • if your non-travelling relative or business partner (residing in Australia or New Zealand) is diagnosed with Covid-19
      • if you are a pharmacist, doctor, nurse, paramedic or other healthcare professional and your leave is revoked
      • if your pre-paid accommodation is shut down due to a covid-19 outbreak on the premises
      • If your pre-paid holiday activity is closed due to a covid-19 outbreak on the premises

      Additional accommodation costs:

      • if the person you were due to stay with has been diagnosed with covid-19 or deemed a close contact of a known covid-19 case and you can no longer stay with them

      Claims will be assessed in accordance with your Product Disclosure Statement and cover will vary depending on where you purchased your policy, the type of policy you purchased, and the date you purchased your policy.

      Credit and debit card travel insurance customers

      • If you have travel insurance with Cover-More via your credit or debit card, there is no cover for any claim related to an epidemic or pandemic.

      Please note that our policies do not cover:

      • amendment or cancellation costs, or additional expenses related to the government or public health authority imposing mandatory quarantine or self-isolation requirements related to cross border, region or territory travel
      • amendment or cancellation costs, or additional expenses related to government travel bans; “Do not travel” warnings or government-directed border closures

      For policies/trips with a Relevant Time before 9th December 2020: There is no cover for claims related to COVID-19 for policies purchased prior to this date.

      We recommend that customers follow the health advice provided on the Health NSW website and monitor the list of venues, which is updated daily.


      Update issued: 14 August 2020

      We provide an update to our travel advice regarding this event, which should be read in conjunction with previous advice posted below.

      For policies/trips with a Relevant Time on or after 21st March 2020: There is no cover for claims related to COVID-19.

      Each of our policies come with the condition that you are not aware of any circumstance which is likely to cause a claim under your policy.

      The Australian government announced a travel ban from 21st March 2020, effectively closing its borders. We advise that by this date the coronavirus pandemic (and subsequent illness COVID-19) was a known event worldwide, regardless of where you were travelling to and cover is therefore not available for claims related to COVID-19 in any way for policies/trips with a Relevant Time on or after 21st March 2020.

      For policies/trips with a Relevant Time between 23rd January and 21st March: The coronavirus pandemic was present and known in certain countries at this time as detailed below. The claims team will consider DFAT travel advice in place at the Relevant Time and where you chose to travel in order to assess coverage under your policy.


      Update issued: 12 March 2020

      On 11 March, the WHO made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic.

      On 9 March, DFAT advised that “in most countries, we continue to advise Australians to ‘exercise normal safety precautions’. For the coronavirus, this means taking sensible measures to minimise your risk of exposure such as practising good hand hygiene. We have raised our advice level for six countries: China and Iran – to ‘do not travel’; South Korea and Italy - to 'reconsider your need to travel'; Japan and Mongolia – to ‘exercise a high degree of caution’.”


      Update issued: 06 February 2020


      On 23 January 2020, it was first reported in the media that hundreds of people across the Hubei province in Central China had been taken to hospital with breathing difficulties, with numerous deaths reported since.

      The Australian Government’s Department Of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have confirmed an active outbreak of the coronavirus originating from Wuhan City, where there have subsequently been confirmed cases of individuals outside China, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

      DFAT travel advice for China was updated 2 February 2020 stating ‘Do not travel’, with further recommendations regarding the coronavirus detailed on their website ( This advice and recommendations may continue to be updated for other nations as this epidemic continues.

      If you are overseas and have been directly affected by the coronavirus and need medical assistance, please call our 24 hour emergency assistance team immediately on +61 2 8907 5619.

      All travellers should pay close attention to local authorities, emergency services and media and including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the DFAT  Smartraveller website. If you are planning to travel, we encourage you to contact your travel agent, airline or tour operator as soon as possible to discuss whether there have been any changes to your itinerary.

      Policy Wording

      Claims will be assessed in accordance with your Product Disclosure Statement and cover may vary depending on the type of policy you purchased.

      Customers (excluding credit and debit card travel insurance customers)

      • MEDICAL CLAIMS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ASSOCIATED ADDITIONAL EXPENSES IN RELATION TO CORONAVIRUS: It is a condition of our policies that you are not aware of any circumstance which is likely to give rise to a claim. If you incur medical expenses with associated additional expenses as a result of contracting coronavirus, there may be cover up to the benefit limit. Our Claims Team will consider DFAT travel advices in place at the time you purchased your policy and where you chose to travel.
      • CANCELLATION AND OTHER RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE POLICY: Cover for this event is excluded under other policy sections such as cancellation.

      “We will not pay for claims caused by or arising from an Epidemic, Pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or any derivative or mutation of such viruses, or the threat or perceived threat of any of these.”

      • However, if you have purchased the Cancel-For-Any-Reason option (available on some of our products) and wish to cancel your trip, you can claim the non-refundable portion of the prepaid travel costs according to the terms and conditions of the policy.

      Credit and debit card travel insurance customers

      • If you have travel insurance with Cover-More via your credit or debit card, this event is excluded and there is no cover.


      Important general advice

      Please contact your travel agent, airline, cruise operator, tour operator and accommodation provider to consider your options regarding any potential changes in services. Your travel provider may offer free options to rearrange your travel.

      This information must be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) as certain terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. These terms, conditions, limits and exclusions are detailed in the PDS and we draw your attention to ‘The Benefits’ and ‘General Exclusions’ sections of the PDS.


      Contact us

      If you have any further enquiries, please call our Customer Service team on 1300 72 88 22 between 8.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday (AEDT) or email [email protected].

      Do you have questions about cover for COVID-19? See our coronavirus FAQs.

      Or, visit our blog for medical tips relating to COVID-19.


      Original release: 23 January 2020

      It has been reported in the media that more than 540 people across the Hubei province in Central China have been taken to hospital with breathing difficulties resulting in at least 17 deaths. Some infectious disease experts have estimated the potential for 4,000 cases to be reported during the coronavirus outbreak, where the World Health Organisation (WHO) emergency committee was aware of diagnosed cases in Thailand, Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

      We urge you to please pay close attention to the local media and emergency services, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) smart traveller website.

      Please be advised your travel insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) includes certain terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions. In particular, there are certain policy exclusions that apply to specific benefit sections for claims arising due to an Epidemic, Pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or any derivative or mutation of such viruses, or the threat or perceived threat of any of these.


      Please call our 24 hour emergency assistance team immediately on +61 2 8907 5619 in the unfortunate event you have contracted the coronavirus whilst on your journey overseas.

      Pending further developments, claims will be assessed based on what the cause of this event has been deemed to be. If you have any further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 72 88 22 between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday (AEDT).


      Helpful resources: