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      Home / Travel Alerts / Israel situation

      Update regarding: Israel situation – August 2024

      Updated: 9 August 2024

      Updated Policy coverage if your policy contains Cancellation Plus:

      Costs that are not covered by your policy

      If your policy contains ‘Cancellation Plus Cover’, this cover is not available for trips including travel to Israel.


      Updated: 7 August 2024

      As at today’s date, the conflict continues with attacks from Israel still being carried out on Gaza.

      The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has advised:

      • Do not travel to Gaza, border areas with Gaza, border areas with Lebanon and the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem) due to the volatile security situation.
      • Reconsider your need to travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Higher travel alert levels apply to some areas.

      Updated Policy coverage:

      In addition to the original advice below, if your policy contains ‘Cancellation Plus Cover’, this cover is not available if travel is prevented due to any of the following reasons:

      • Widespread physical destruction at the destination(s) You were going to due to an act of war, civil war, Act of Terrorism or nuclear meltdown
      • Government imposed restrictions on traveller movements due to border closures to non-essential travel or airspace closures

      Cover under Cancellation Plus ceases from the time when the event preventing travel occurs due to the reasons above, regardless of alternate reasons for the claim.


      Issued: 9 October 2023


      On Saturday 7 October, at least 250 Israelis died and 1,590 have been wounded in Hamas attacks in Israel after rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza. Civilians have been targeted in terror attacks with hostages being taken. It’s reported that 230 Palestinians have been killed with 1,610 being injured in Israel’s retaliation. The conflict is considered to be ongoing.

      DFAT have advised that some flights out of Israel have been cancelled or delayed and have advise ‘Do not travel to areas near the border with Gaza due to ongoing armed conflict’.

      If you have been directly affected by this event and need medical assistance, please call our 24 hour emergency assistance team immediately on +61 2 8907 5619. We further urge you to pay close attention to the local media and emergency services.

      DFAT advice as at 09/10/2023:

      • On 08/10/2023, DFAT has listed travel advice as ‘Do not travel to Gaza’ due to the dangerous and uncertain security situation.
      • As at 08/10/2023, DFAT advise to exercise a high degree of caution in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories overall due to civil unrest and the threat of terrorist attack, rocket fire and military confrontation.

      Policy coverage:

      Costs that are not covered by your policy

      • There is no cover for claims arising as a result of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.

      Free Extension of Insurance

      If the relevant time of your current trip pre-dates this travel advice and your travel is disrupted due to this event, impacting your ability to return home on your policy end date, your policy will freely extend until you are physically able to return home as soon as it becomes possible.

      Important general advice

      This information must be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) as certain terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions apply. These are detailed in the PDS and in particular we draw your attention to ‘The Benefits’, ‘Policy Conditions’ and ‘General Exclusions’ sections of the PDS.

      Contact us

      If you are travelling and require travel or medical assistance, please contact our 24-hour emergency assistance team on +61 2 8907 5619.

      For any general enquiries regarding the event please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 72 88 22 between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm Saturday and 10am to 3pm Sunday.