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Jody Elliott
Photo of BIMC Hospital in Indonesia








Today is the first of a new blog series for Cover-More Australia. The blog posts document the adventures, experiences and impressions that Jody Elliot, our Cover-More Case Manager, had during her first season as a Case Manager on the ground in Bali. Our decision to create the role of medical case manager and brand ambassador in Bali was important to our bottom line: Australians love Bali, and Bali loves us, but Bali also has a higher rate of injury and sickness than other travel destinations in the world. By creating this role we are able to put a friendly and familiar face in the midst of a foreign island whose primary concern is and always will be you, should the need arise. Now, here’s Jody with the first blog post about arriving in Bali.




November 2013: Touch Down!




Despite some nail biting Sydney traffic, my co-worker Candice and I arrived for our six-hour Garuda Airlines flight to Denpasar Airport in the nick of time. I would definitely recommend the airline to friends—comfy seats, good airline food and my own TV with in-flight entertainment.




After a swift transit through the terminal and into a balmy, Bali 29 degrees (although the humidity made it feel more like 40 degrees—I hope my hotel has a swimming pool!) we made our way to the hotel.




Jumping straight into my new role, I have spent the first two weeks of my Bali adventure getting to know the wonderful staff at the BIMC (Bali International Medical Centre) hospitals in Kuta and Nusa Dua. After a warm welcome and tours of both facilities, we worked together to find the best way to streamline our processes and communicate during my time here. We even set up systems remotely so that I can work on emergency assistance cases, moving them forward as quickly as possible in the best interests of our customers.




I’ve met some amazing people already. The BIMC hospital staff took us through their admission processes so that we know as soon as one of our customers is admitted. And at BIMC Nusa Dua, which is located in more of a resort-style town, the lovely Monita, Richard and Dr. Reno were so accommodating. They introduced us to Laura, an Aussie RN working as a technical adviser for BIMC (I’m hoping she can give us some valuable tips on surviving as a Bali expat!).




The beauty of the two-storey BIMC hospital in Nusa Dua took my breath away. It is astoundingly beautiful, designed by an Australian. Most of the inside of the facility, like the Dialysis Unit, Cosmetic Centre, Dental Centre, ICU and general ward, is also very luxurious.




The medical facilities in Indonesia vary greatly, so the high standard of these facilities took me a little by surprise. They were meticulously clean and everyone I’ve met so far has been lovely. Every day, wherever I go, I’m met with friendly smiles!




- Jody, Elliott, Cover-More Brand Ambassador




Cover-More Australia is dedicated to covering what matters to you. We are continuously making efforts to support your needs and make sure every problem that may come up is resolved. On your next holiday to Bali, don’t forget to cover your holiday and your health and purchase your travel health insurance plan from Cover-More Australia.











Disclaimer: The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Cover-More Insurance. 
Photo courtesy of Cover-More Brand Ambassador Jody Elliot