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Discover our community’s best travel tips before you depart on your next trip.

Traveller admiring view with hot air balloons

Source啊: Getty

Travel can open doors to some of the most exhilarating experiences ever… but it can also create stressful situations. Yes, even the best-laid plans can go awry on holiday, leaving you forced to problem-solve on the go. 

If you’re thinking about booking a trip soon – or wondering how to start planning a holiday – give yourself the best chance of a less stressful trip by following our community of well-travelled Aussies’ holiday planning advice.

Below, you’ll find their very best travel tips to help you plan smarter and make your next holiday a little smoother. 


Skip ahead to read our community of travellers’ best:


Travel tip: It’s wise to pack smart.

Are you an over-packer or have you mastered the art of packing just enough in your holiday suitcase? While having some extra clothing and footwear choices can come in handy, packing smart may save you from a lot of hassle during your trip.

Here are four travel packing tips from our travel-loving community to help you travel smarter – and maybe even lighter. 


Travel packing tip #1:

Couples travelling with suitcases

Travel packing tip #2:

Woman in airport wheeling suitcase

Travel packing tip #3:

Travellers carrying suitcase up stairs

Travel packing tip #4:

Traveller making list before packing

Source: Getty

Of course, not all of these travel packing tips will be feasible for everyone. However, you may find some of them help make your journey more seamless and enjoyable, which is hard to resist, right? 


Travel tip: It pays to think about money. 

While your love of travel may be limitless, your funds likely aren’t. That’s why it’s wise to think about managing your money when planning a holiday itinerary. Creating a budget and sticking to it can help, but there are so many other ways to be money-wise when travelling.  

Here are some of our community’s most useful money-saving travel tips to help you budget better on your next trip.  

Travel budget tip #1:

Couple using credit card while travelling

Travel budget tip #2:

Couple having fun on rollercoaster while travelling

Travel budget tip #3:

Couple paying for major expenses before travelling

Travel budget tip #4:

Friends using split fair app while travelling

Source: Getty

Hopefully, these travel tips help you manage your budget next time you jet off on a trip – and maybe even help you do more while spending less so you can book your next trip that little bit sooner.  


Travel tip: A little planning now can save a lot of pain later.

Are you an organised traveller who accounts for every detail when planning a holiday itinerary, a free-spirited person who loves improvising when on a trip, or somewhere in between?  

Mid-trip spontaneity can definitely lead to some incredible, unique experiences. However, failing to plan some aspects of your journey may result in less-than-ideal situations.  

These travel tips from our community of holiday enthusiasts may help you plan just the right amount to limit mishaps – and help you make the most of your time away.  

Travel planning tip #1:

Woman waiting in a long line at the airport

Travel planning tip #2:

Couple planning their trip before setting off on holidays

Travel planning tip #3:

Man sharing his travel itinerary with his family

Travel planning tip #4:

Traveller using maps at their destination

Source: Getty

Of course, once you’ve planned the important stuff, there’s a lot to gain from staying open to new experiences. Keep reading for our travel community’s tips on why having a great attitude is so important when you’re travelling.


Travel tip: Don’t forget to pack an open mind.

Do you take a positive mindset with you when you travel, and lean into spontaneity during your trip? Yes, things can get a little stressful when things don’t go to plan; however, there are so many new experiences you stand to gain by going with the flow amidst changes to your original plans.  

Here are some warm-hearted travel tips that highlight the joys of a positive mindset, straight from our travel community.  

Travel mindset tip #1:

Family enjoys campsite while travelling

Travel mindset tip #2:

Travel mindset tip #3:

Two men cycling while travelling

Travel mindset tip #4:

Two women drinking coffee while walking

Source: Getty

New cultural experiences, stunning off-the-beaten-path views, unique local haunts, new friendships, personal growth ... the list of things you may gain through leaning into a positive mindset when travelling is limitless.  


Travel tip: Don’t forget to protect against the unexpected.

While many unexpected travel experiences can be magical, others can be incredibly stressful and quite costly too. That’s where a travel insurance policy with adequate coverage may help you get your travels back on track, faster – or even help get you home quickly and safely if that’s what your situation calls for. 

When we asked our experienced travel community for their best holiday planning travel tips, the importance of travel insurance was one that came up over and over again.  

Here, you’ll find a few of the most insightful ones. 

Travel insurance tip #1:

Older couple hiking

Travel insurance tip #2:

Man in crutches while travelling

Travel insurance tip #3:

Traveller taking photo of view

Travel insurance tip #4:

Man booking insurance soon after planning trip

Source: Getty

When taking out travel insurance, don’t forget to do your research and understand if the coverage (including and limits and exclusions) is right for you and your trip. Also, don’t forget to ensure you take out the adequate level of protection you need for any activities you have planned for your travels (such as snow sports or riding motorbikes) so you can set off on your next adventure knowing help will be there if you need it.


Which of these travel tips will you try? 

We hope our community’s travel tips help you with your upcoming holiday planning – as well as help you have the best possible time on your trip. After all, travel should be about amazing experiences, exciting adventures, and making memories to last a lifetime. By packing smart, budgeting wisely, planning well, embracing a positive mindset when things don’t go to plan, and protecting yourself against the unexpected, you can hopefully make your next trip one for the ages.  

Do you have any general travel tips or holiday planning tips you would like to share with us? Click here to submit it, so you can help other Australians travel smarter.  


Want to protect your next trip? 

Discover which travel insurance plan suits your trip now. 


*The travel tips submitted as part of our Organised or Improvised campaign are the reported personal experiences of each individual and are provided for information purposes only. Cover-More does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or validity of any of the stories. Any views, opinions, and positions expressed in the submissions and those providing comments are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect those of Cover-More travel insurance. Travel tip submissions have been edited for grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation errors only. Any advice provided is general advice only. For more information on Cover-More travel insurance, always read the Combined FSG/PDS and any other policy documentation to make sure that your chosen cover and policy is right for you.