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      Home / Travel Insurance / Popular Benefits / Inbound Medical and Dental Cover

      Travel Health Insurance in Australia for Inbound Travellers

      Kangaroo jumping on the beach in Australia

      Protect yourself against the unexpected when visiting Australia

      Australia is a must-visit for many international travellers thanks to our country’s many striking local attractions. If you’re planning on making a trip Down Under, it’s important to consider protecting your holiday plans with travel insurance from unforeseen medical and dental incidents.

      Should you injure yourself or get sick while you’re visiting Australia, you’ll be in great hands – we offer some of the world’s best medical care. However, medical costs can quickly add up, so it’s important to have some cover for travel health insurance in Australia, including emergency dental travel insurance.

      Thankfully, we’re here to help protect against unforeseen sickness or injury leaving you strapped for cash during your Australian holiday with our Inbound Plan for non-Australian residents.

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      Which Cover-More travel insurance plan includes travel health insurance in Australia?

      Our medical and emergency dental expenses benefit in Australia is included in our Inbound Plan and is only available to people who are not eligible for cover under Medicare.

      If you’re a non-Australian resident with a Cover-More Inbound policy and you suffer from a disabling injury, sickness or disease while travelling in Australia, we can provide up to $1,000,000 cover for medical expenses in Australia. We can also provide up to $2,000 cover for emergency dental expenses.

      Want more details on our Inbound Plan? Look at our PDS to find out exactly what’s covered and what’s not – because unfortunately we’re unable to cover absolutely everything during your trip Down Under.

      Am I eligible for Cover-More's Inbound Plan?

      Our Cover-More Inbound Plan is designed for non-Australian residents who plan to visit Australia from overseas and are under 70 years of age at the time of policy issue.

      If you’re an Australian resident planning to travel domestically, our range of domestic travel insurance plans are designed for this type of trip. Domestic plans do not include cover for medical and dental expenses, as Australian residents are covered under Medicare.

      For other FAQs about our Inbound Plan, head here.

      What does Cover-More's inbound medical and dental expenses cover?

      Our travel insurance coverage for medical and dental expenses that occur in Australia only apply if you have purchased our Inbound Plan, you are a non-Australian resident, and you are not considered eligible for health insurance in Australia under the 1973 Health Insurance Act.

      Should the unthinkable happen and you require medical help during your trip to Australia and you’re a Cover-More Inbound travel insurance policyholder, we’re here to help.

      If you suffer from a disabling injury, sickness or disease during your policy period, our Inbound Plan provides cover for the usual and customary cost of emergency medical treatment, emergency dental treatment, and ambulance transportation that is provided in Australia by or on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or dentist.

      The maximum benefit limits for Cover-More’s Inbound Plan medical and dental expenses benefits are:

      BenefitBenefit Limit
      Overseas Medical Expenses 
      (outside of home country and Australia)
      Overseas Emergency Dental Expenses 
      (outside of home country and Australia)
      Medical Expenses in Australia$1,000,000~
      Emergency Dental Expenses in Australia$2,000

      ~Cover applies for a maximum of 12 months from the date of suffering the disabling injury, sickness or disease.

      Limits, exclusions, and conditions apply. Please check the PDS for full policy conditions when considering if our Cover-More travel health insurance in Australia is right for you.

      What is considered a “disabling injury, sickness or disease” for inbound cover?

      At Cover-More, when we speak to the term “disabling injury, sickness or disease” as part of our Inbound Plan policy conditions, we mean a disabling injury, sickness or disease that first shows itself during your period of insurance and that requires immediate treatment by a qualified medical practitioner or dentist.

      What isn’t covered under Cover-More's medical and dental expenses for inbound travellers?

      Our travel insurance is created to cover unexpected incidents, and it can’t cover absolutely everything.

      If you’re considering protecting your trip to Australia with our Cover-More Inbound Plan, there are several conditions, limits, and exclusions you need to be aware of.

      This includes medical or dental treatment provided outside Australia, cosmetic dentistry, routine health visits, and more.

      For the full details on what we will and won’t cover, please refer to our PDS.

      Got questions?

      If you’re a non-Australia resident considering our Inbound Plan for your trip to Australia and want more information, you can read our FAQs about Inbound Travel Insurance or chat to us via the Live Chat function on our website.


      Want us to protect your trip to Australia?

      Discover how our Inbound Plan can help support your journey.